Just to make it easy for you, I've reproduced the list on this page. I've filtered out some of the racier ones just to keep things family friendly. If you'd like to see the full, original list, just open up the source code of https://twitter.com/signup with your favourite browser, search for "twttr.BANNED_PASSWORDS" and you'll find the entire list.
The reason I present this is because it's an interesting study of what Twitter thinks is a bad idea. I would guess that many of these passwords were taken from published lists of passwords used when cracking accounts. If you currently use passwords which resemble any of these listed below, I'd encourage you to change them as soon as possible.
- 111111
- 11111111
- 112233
- 121212
- 123123
- 123456
- 1234567
- 12345678
- 131313
- 232323
- 654321
- 666666
- 696969
- 777777
- 7777777
- 8675309
- 987654
- aaaaaa
- abc123
- abc123
- abcdef
- abgrtyu
- access
- access14
- action
- albert
- alexis
- amanda
- amateur
- andrea
- andrew
- angela
- angels
- animal
- anthony
- apollo
- apples
- arsenal
- arthur
- asdfgh
- asdfgh
- ashley
- august
- austin
- badboy
- bailey
- banana
- barney
- baseball
- batman
- beaver
- beavis
- bigdaddy
- bigdog
- birdie
- bitches
- biteme
- blazer
- blonde
- blondes
- bond007
- bonnie
- booboo
- booger
- boomer
- boston
- brandon
- brandy
- braves
- brazil
- bronco
- broncos
- bulldog
- buster
- butter
- butthead
- calvin
- camaro
- cameron
- canada
- captain
- carlos
- carter
- casper
- charles
- charlie
- cheese
- chelsea
- chester
- chicago
- chicken
- cocacola
- coffee
- college
- compaq
- computer
- cookie
- cooper
- corvette
- cowboy
- cowboys
- crystal
- dakota
- dallas
- daniel
- danielle
- debbie
- dennis
- diablo
- diamond
- doctor
- doggie
- dolphin
- dolphins
- donald
- dragon
- dreams
- driver
- eagle1
- eagles
- edward
- einstein
- erotic
- extreme
- falcon
- fender
- ferrari
- firebird
- fishing
- florida
- flower
- flyers
- football
- forever
- freddy
- freedom
- gandalf
- gateway
- gators
- gemini
- george
- giants
- ginger
- golden
- golfer
- gordon
- gregory
- guitar
- gunner
- hammer
- hannah
- hardcore
- harley
- heather
- helpme
- hockey
- hooters
- horney
- hotdog
- hunter
- hunting
- iceman
- iloveyou
- internet
- iwantu
- jackie
- jackson
- jaguar
- jasmine
- jasper
- jennifer
- jeremy
- jessica
- johnny
- johnson
- jordan
- joseph
- joshua
- junior
- justin
- killer
- knight
- ladies
- lakers
- lauren
- leather
- legend
- letmein
- little
- london
- lovers
- maddog
- madison
- maggie
- magnum
- marine
- marlboro
- martin
- marvin
- master
- matrix
- matthew
- maverick
- maxwell
- melissa
- member
- mercedes
- merlin
- michael
- michelle
- mickey
- midnight
- miller
- mistress
- monica
- monkey
- monkey
- monster
- morgan
- mother
- mountain
- muffin
- murphy
- mustang
- naked
- nascar
- nathan
- naughty
- ncc1701
- newyork
- nicholas
- nicole
- nipple
- nipples
- oliver
- orange
- packers
- panther
- panties
- parker
- password
- password
- password1
- password12
- password123
- patrick
- peaches
- peanut
- pepper
- phantom
- phoenix
- player
- please
- pookie
- porsche
- prince
- princess
- private
- purple
- pussies
- qazwsx
- qwerty
- qwertyui
- rabbit
- rachel
- racing
- raiders
- rainbow
- ranger
- rangers
- rebecca
- redskins
- redsox
- redwings
- richard
- robert
- rocket
- rosebud
- runner
- rush2112
- russia
- samantha
- sammy
- samson
- sandra
- saturn
- scooby
- scooter
- scorpio
- scorpion
- secret
- sexsex
- shadow
- shannon
- shaved
- sierra
- silver
- skippy
- slayer
- smokey
- snoopy
- soccer
- sophie
- spanky
- sparky
- spider
- squirt
- srinivas
- startrek
- starwars
- steelers
- steven
- sticky
- stupid
- success
- summer
- sunshine
- superman
- surfer
- swimming
- sydney
- taylor
- tennis
- teresa
- tester
- testing
- theman
- thomas
- thunder
- thx1138
- tiffany
- tigers
- tigger
- tomcat
- topgun
- toyota
- travis
- trouble
- trustno1
- tucker
- turtle
- united
- vagina
- victor
- victoria
- viking
- voodoo
- voyager
- walter
- warrior
- welcome
- whatever
- william
- willie
- wilson
- winner
- winston
- winter
- wizard
- xavier
- xxxxxx
- xxxxxxxx
- yamaha
- yankee
- yankees
- yellow
- zxcvbn
- zxcvbnm
- zzzzzz
Thanks for the post, also we must try to change the password at least once a year with a new one. I use Roboform and create complex passwords.
fortunately you still can use ****** as password...
Interesting where they got this list from. If they analyzed the passwords their users used most often, then that would mean that they store the passwords not hashed, and that's probably a security issue. On the other hand, if they got it from somewhere else, I wonder where.
Funny that the above list is censored, I suppose as to not offend the squeamish (or the Blogger ToS...). The source code is much more X-rated. The duplicates are duly reproduced, though.
interesting that xxxxxx (6 xs) and xxxxxxxx (8xs) are explicitly banned. Which means xxxxxxx (7xs) is okay.
Talk about arbitrary.
This is not the full list. To see the full list, goto the sign up page and view-source. Some of them are quite explicit. ;X
@Anonymous That is correct. I figured I'd keep this list "family friendly". ;)
This is a helpful and not to mention funny post. Funny because of the passwords that people come up with and also the comments contributed.
Thanks for the post, also we must try to change the password at least once a year with a new one. I use Roboform and create complex passwords.
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