Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Myspace Photo Page Trackers

The other day, a WunderCounter user asked me if it's possible to track Myspace photo pages by putting the counter code in an image caption. My response was that if you can get HTML in there, you can get the WunderCounter in there. It turns out you can do it, so thanks for the tip, Lori!

So, here is how you would go about it.

First, log in to the WunderCounter and generate some Myspace tracker code. (You can do this by choosing Myspace Trackers from the Generate HTML menu). Copy the Myspace code to your clipboard.

Now, you need to get the code into your Myspace photo page(s).
  1. Log in to your Myspace account
  2. Select My Photos from the Profile tab
  3. Click Edit Photos
  4. Select one photo from the page you'd like to track and click on the image caption. If the photo has no caption, click on the edit caption link.
  5. Copy your WunderCounter code into the caption and save it
That's all you need to do. Now, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • If you have multiple pages of photos, you'll need to tag at least one caption on each photo page in order to track all of your pages
  • Putting tracker code into the caption may not leave you much room for something meaningful which people can read. You may be able to get around this by using a very short page name for your counter. Keep in mind that you can enter any page name you like when creating the code, so you can even use something short like myspace_photos_1 when naming your page
  • If you're using some sort of slide show on profile page, the slide show may spit out the WunderCounter code when it runs. That's probably not what you want. Really, the slide show shouldn't spit out raw HTML as text, so I'm going to say that the problem is with the actual software. However, if this is a concern, you may not want to use the counter in your photo captions.
That's pretty much all there is to it. Let me know if it works out for you!

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